Long description: Satisfaction with services offered by FJA

  • Please indicate the response that best describes your satisfaction with the following aspects of service from FJA:
    • Satisfaction with the courtesy of FJA staff
      • Very satisfied: 69%
      • Satisfied: 25%
      • Neither: 3%
      • Dissatisfied: 1%
      • Very dissatisfied: 2%
    • Satisfaction with the helpfulness of FJA staff
      • Very satisfied: 62%
      • Satisfied: 30%
      • Neither: 4%
      • Dissatisfied: 1%
      • Very dissatisfied: 2%
    • Satisfaction with the professionalism of FJA staff
      • Very satisfied: 61%
      • Satisfied: 31%
      • Neither: 6%
      • Dissatisfied: 0%
      • Very dissatisfied: 2%
    • Satisfaction with the accuracy of the information provided by FJA staff
      • Very satisfied: 51%
      • Satisfied: 38%
      • Neither: 7%
      • Dissatisfied: 2%
      • Very dissatisfied: 2%
    • Satisfaction with the knowledge of FJA staff
      • Very satisfied: 46%
      • Satisfied: 41%
      • Neither: 9%
      • Dissatisfied: 1%
      • Very dissatisfied: 2%
    • Satisfaction with the protection of my privacy/confidentiality by FJA staff*
      • Very satisfied: 58%
      • Satisfied: 26%
      • Neither: 14%
      • Dissatisfied: 0%
      • Very dissatisfied: 3%
    • Satisfaction with the flexibility of FJA staff*
      • Very satisfied: 43%
      • Satisfied: 34%
      • Neither: 19%
      • Dissatisfied: 3%
      • Very dissatisfied: 2%


Q. 4.
Base: Excluding N/A and No Answer.
* Noteworthy is that a relatively high proportion of Judges feel that this statement does not apply to them.

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