Long description: Overall, how satisfied are you with
- Overall, how satisfied are you with:
- Q.7 The services provided by FJA?
- Very satisfied: 52%
- Satisfied: 41%
- Neither: 5%
- Dissatisfied: 1%
- Very dissatisfied: 1%
- Q.25 The quality of communications between FJA and judges?
- Very satisfied: 38%
- Satisfied: 50%
- Neither: 10%
- Dissatisfied: 1%
- Very dissatisfied: 1%
- Q.19 The language training services provided by FJA?**
- Very satisfied: 50%
- Satisfied: 37%
- Neither: 7%
- Dissatisfied: 4%
- Very dissatisfied: 2%
- Q.24 The JUDICOM system?
- Very satisfied: 46%
- Satisfied: 37%
- Neither: 14%
- Dissatisfied: 1%
- Very dissatisfied: 1%
- Q.9 The services provided by the Finance and Administration section of FJA?
- Very satisfied: 37%
- Satisfied: 45%
- Neither: 9%
- Dissatisfied: 7%
- Very dissatisfied: 2%
- Q.14 The quality of service provided byCompensation, Benefits and Pension Services?
- Very satisfied: 28%
- Satisfied: 51%
- Neither: 18%
- Dissatisfied: 3%
- Very dissatisfied: 1%
- Q.7 The services provided by FJA?
Q. Q. 7, 9, 14, 19, 24, 25 :Overall how satisfied are you with:
Base: Excluding N/A and No Answer.
** Base: Taken FJA language training.
- Date modified: