The Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs Canada’s 2023-24 Departmental results report: At a glance

A departmental results report provides an account of actual accomplishments against plans, priorities and expected results set out in the associated Departmental Plan.

[Read the full departmental results report]

Key priorities

The Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs Canada (FJA)’s top priorities for 2023-24 were as follows:

  • Implementing a new judicial conduct regime, following Bill C-9, An Act to amend the Judges Act, receiving royal assent.
  • Upgrading our legacy systems and migrating to a cloud environment with an eye to modernizing features, increasing access and maintaining a high level of service to our stakeholders.
  • Human Resources: shifting to a hybrid work model, commitment to a healthy workplace, and continuing efforts in preparation for the implementation of the new PA group definitions and job evaluation standards.


In 2023-24, total actual spending (including internal services) for FJA was $752,719,964 and total full-time equivalent staff (including internal services) was 65. For complete information on FJA’s total spending and human resources, read the Spending and human resources section of the full report.

The following provides a summary of the department’s achievements in 2023-24 according to its approved Departmental Results Framework. A Departmental Results Framework consists of a department’s core responsibilities, the results it plans to achieve and the performance indicators that measure progress toward these results.

Core responsibility: Support to federally appointed judges

Actual spending: $751,993,164

Actual human resources: 59.5

Departmental results achieved

  • FJA continued the migration to a cloud environment with increased modernization and improved access. Priority was placed on transitioning from a server based (JUDICOM) to a cloud-based platform (JUDICLOUD) for which the pilot phase commenced in the fall of 2023 and officially launched in March 2024. This new platform leveraging new technology and tools was implemented to provide a higher level of agility for our judicial community to increase access and work from any platform – roll out will persist into the 2024-25 fiscal year.
  • During the year, FJA continued efforts in advancing the international engagement of Canadian judges, aligning closely with departmental and government-wide priorities focused on human rights and the rule of law. FJA engaged in initiatives with Lithuania, Moldova, Mongolia and South Africa. These initiatives involved the direct participation of over 30 Canadian chief justices and judges, who either traveled to these countries or hosted foreign delegations in Canada. These engagements facilitated significant judicial exchanges and bolstered international legal understandings.

More information about Support to federally appointed judges can be found in the “Results – what we achieved” section of the full departmental results report.