Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs Canada - Supplementary Tables

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Greening Government Operations

Within financial constraints, reduce paper consumption
Performance Measure:
Volume of paper purchased during fiscal year.
Target Status:
Strategies and /or Comments:
There was a reduction in the volume of paper mail outs sent to our clients, this was substituted by electronic communications.

Ensure only paper with at least 30% recycled content is purchased
Performance Measure:
Purchase of recycled paper.
Target Status:
Not met.
Strategies and /or Comments:
Due to the substantially higher cost of recycled paper, there was minimal use of recycled paper.

Reduce paper acquisition through mandating printer acquisitions that can print in a double sided format. Ensure only recycled toner cartridges are utilized.
Performance Measure:
Printer purchases
Target Status:
Strategies and /or Comments:
No new printers were purchased during the fiscal year however all existing printers are capable of double sided format.

Increase use of bulk buys where appropriate to reduce packaging
Performance Measure:
Use of bulk buys.
Target Status:
Strategies and /or Comments:
As a small department we have limited capacity for bulk buys however we do follow government of Canada purchased practices and make use of standing offers for the procurement of most of our materials and supplies.