Tangible Capital Assets Table 2010 - 2011

Tangible Capital Assets Table
(in dollars)
Cost Accumulated Amortization Net Book Value
Capital asset class Opening Balance Acquisitions Disposals and write-offs Closing Balance Opening Balance Amortization Disposals and write-offs Closing Balance 2011 2010
Machinery & Equipment 70,293 - - 70,293 43,898 6,600 - 50,498 19,795 26,395
Informatics Hardware 442,443 77,585 - 520,028 353,283 59,472 - 412,755 107,272 89,160
Software 102,806 16,742 155,195 274,743 96,799 25,111 - 121,910 152,833 6,006
Furniture 19,552 - - 19,552 17,597 1,955 - 19,552 - 1,956
WIP Software 155,195 - (155,195) - - - - - - 155,195
TOTAL 790,289 94,327 - 884,616 511,577 93,138 - 604,715 279,900 278,712

Disposals of assets under constructions represent assets that were put into use in the year and have been transferred to the other capital asset classes as applicable.