THE INCIDENTAL ALLOWANCE (subsection 27(1) of the Judges Act)


Subsection 27(1) of the Judges Act provides federally appointed judges and associate judges with an incidental allowance, under which they may be reimbursed up to a maximum of $7,500 each year for reasonable expenses incurred for the fit and proper execution of their office. The Commissioner issues Guidelines on the Incidental Allowance. Expenses that comply with the Act and the Guidelines may be reimbursed by the Office of the Commissioner.

Classes of expenses reimbursed - ss. 90.18(d) of the ATIA

  • Electronics, other office equipment and furniture
    Computer, printer, scanner, shredder, laptop, cell phone, tablet, and accessories for same, software and office supplies as well as the reasonable cost of furniture items to establish a home office

  • Telecommunications
    Monthly cell phone usage, home internet and other wireless service fees for research and writing

  • Memberships and legal publications
    Membership fees to legal and judicial organisations (such as the Canadian Bar Association, the Canadian Superior Courts Judges Association, the International Association of Women Judges); books and subscriptions to publications for legal research and writing

  • Formal court attire
    Purchase and dry-cleaning and repair of judicial robes, waistcoats, wing collar shirts or blouses, black or grey trousers or skirts, tabs and studs

  • Judicial education and other outreach functions
    Costs for participation in conferences and seminars otherwise not reimbursed under the conference allowance, including registration, transportation, accommodations and meals, and other related costs, paid in accordance with the Guidelines on the Conference Allowance; costs related to judicial outreach or public education, such as speaking at a school or university; attending meetings of the Bar, swearing-in or swearing-out of judges, moot-courts, law clerk recruitment events, paid in accordance with the Guidelines on the Travel Allowance

  • Security systems
    The purchase, installation and monitoring fees of home security systems.

  • Other reasonable expenses
    Includes briefcases and suitcases for judicial travel; framing of official documents; hearing aids and glasses if not covered in insurance plans; parking at the courthouse

Guidelines - ss. 90.18(f) of the ATIA

(Expenses published for one quarter are those reimbursed in that quarter. Some of the published expenses may have been incurred in a previous quarter.)

Name of court
ss. 90.18(a) of the ATIA
Total expenses reimbursed
ss. 90.18(b)
Number of judges reimbursed
ss. 90.18(c)
Number of judges who received reimbursement under each class of expenses
ss. 90.18(e)
Electronic and other office equipment Tele-
Membership and legal publications Formal court attire Judicial education and other outreach functions Security Other

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